• Anitwrinkle Injections
  • Dermal Fillers
  • Hyperhidrosis – Excessive Sweating
  • Facial Contouring, Jaw Line Thinning, Bruxism (Clenching)
  • Biostimulator Injections
  • Sclerotherapy – Leg Vein Injections
  • Mono-Threads
  • Skin Boosters and Skin Microfiller
  • Hand Rejuvenation
  • Double Chin Injections – Fat Dissolving Injections
  • Dissolving Filler
  • How to camouflage bruising with makeup

Anitwrinkle Injections

Anitwrinkle Injections

How Do Anti Wrinkle Injections Work?

Antiwrinkle Injections consist of a purified protein. It acts by blocking the nerve impulses in specific muscles of the face weakening the contraction of the targeted muscle. As the muscle is relaxed, the appearance of the overlying wrinkles are softened or completely eliminated.

Continual contraction of a muscle will form lines and wrinkles in the overlying skin. Over time, with repeated muscle contraction, lines may stay etched into the skin even when the muscle isn’t contracting. If the skin above the muscle is not able to fold repeatedly, it is less likely to form a wrinkle. Anti Wrinkle Injections prevent lines from forming and help soften lines that are already etched into the skin.

By precisely targeting specific muscles with small amounts of the anti wrinkle protein injection we ensure surrounding muscles are not affected.

There are currently three brands of Anti Wrinkle injections available in Melbourne, Australia however more brands of Anti Wrinkle injections will become available within the next few years. We offer all 3 brands at Face To Face Medical so that we can use the Brand that best suits each individual.

What Areas Can Be Treated With Anti Wrinkle Injections?

Areas that can be treated include:

Is It Safe?

Antiwrinkle Injections have been used for well over 40 years to treat medical conditions and over 30 years in cosmetic medicine. There are no reports of long term side effects. Any potential side effects are temporary. Much larger doses of Anti Wrinkle Injections are used safely in children with specific medical conditions as young as 2 years old.

How long does it last?

Results usually begin within 2-4 days following the procedure and the full effects are evident by 1-2 weeks. The effect should last 3-6 months depending on your muscle thickness, dose, age, facial movements, and metabolism. Over time, the body metabolizes the toxin leading to a moderate return of muscle movement where the treatment occurred. We find that most patients repeat treatments two or three times a year.

What does the treatment involve?

A thorough assessment and consultation followed by a treatment plan is discussed with you. Each patient has individual anatomy, goals, and facial balance so we individualize every treatment. Included in the assessment is a careful observation of your muscle movement and your lines at rest and in animated expression. Photographic documentation is part of every initial assessment. The clinicians at Face To Face Medical are highly skilled and strive for the best and most natural result possible.

Using a very fine needle, we inject the Anti Wrinkle Injection clear fluid into the skin above the muscles in a pattern that is unique to your facial movements. The procedure itself is very straightforward, only taking a few minutes. In fact, you are able to schedule appointments in your lunch break from work and head back into the office once the treatment is complete.

Most people feel little to no discomfort during the injection process. Ice can be used to reduce any discomfort. After the procedure, you may notice little red bumps where the injection was administered. These typically subside in about 10 minutes. We advise you not to massage or rub the area for 4 hours post treatment to avoid shifting the Anti Wrinkle Injections. There is no downtime. Over the following days the targeted muscles will relax, and the appearance of the overlying wrinkles will reduce, while still allowing you to make natural facial expressions. We aim to rejuvenate while maintaining a natural appearance.

We recommend that new patients return for a follow-up consultation 2 weeks after treatment to review the treatment results and make any minor adjustments if needed.

Who is a good candidate and when can you start Anti Wrinkle Injections?

The optimal time to start treatment is when you begin to notice wrinkles develop. This can be as early as in your 20s for some and later for others. Depending on your genetics, sun exposure and degree of facial expression, you will benefit from Anti Wrinkle Injections at different times. Its best to start before your wrinkles become deeply etched into the skin. It is more difficult to reverse lines that are already present in the resting face than to prevent them from forming in the first place.

Can I have Anti Wrinkle Injections at the same time as Dermal Fillers?

Yes. In fact, the treatments often complement each other and are done at the same time.

Is it painful?

Patients may experience very slight discomfort however many find this almost painless. You may opt to have the treatment areas numbed with ice prior to the injections, and of course our clinicians will ensure that all patients feel comfortable and relaxed throughout the treatment session.

Are there any side effects?

Side effects are uncommon however some minor adverse events are possible. Patients may experience tenderness or bruising in the treatment areas. This normally resolves within hours or days. Infrequently, headaches may occur which can be treated with mild painkillers. Other uncommon temporary side effects include an allergic reaction and flu-like symptoms. There are specific but temporary potential side effects depending on the area treated. A temporary droop in the eyelid may occur after the frown line treatment. This usually resolves within a few weeks and can be improved with eyedrops. The eyebrow may temporarily drop slightly with Forehead treatments.

Anti Wrinkle Injections have been a common treatment option in cosmetic medicine for over 30 years, and our clinicians will carefully explain potential side effects during the initial consultation.

This treatment should not be undertaken if you are pregnant or have certain neuromuscular disorders.

Can it be used in pregnant women?

It should not be used in pregnancy, while breastfeeding or in people with certain neuromuscular disorders.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers

What areas can be treated?

As we age our bodies stop producing collagen and elastin, both of which contribute to a youthful look. In addition, there is a change in the fat and bony structure of the face. This process begins around the age of 25 and results in a progressive loss of facial volume, loss of definition of facial features and the appearance of lines, wrinkles and sagging of the face as we age. Dermal Fillers are used to restore and rejuvenate from the effects of ageing.

Dermal Fillers may also be used in young patients to enhance certain features such as the cheeks or lips.

How we subconsciously perceive someone's age and attractiveness is a complex process of the interplay of light and shadow. This interplay can signify youth or age as well as beauty. Loss of light reflection associated with youth signals ageing even more so than the appearance of facial lines and wrinkles.

Concave areas that develop or deepen as we age and lose facial volume create more shadows, and it is this shadowing that we subconsciously perceive as signs of ageing. Convex areas reflect light, making us look more vibrant and younger. These areas are your cheeks, Forehead, temples, and lips – even the small philtral columns between the lip and nose.

By restoring balance and definition with precisely placed fillers, the medical team at Face To Face Medical can produce results that are subtle yet convey youth and overall facial harmony. You will look better and more refreshed, without ever looking “done.”

There are many brands of Dermal Fillers in Australia. They vary in molecular size, thickness, and strength. At Face To Face Medical, we have a range of filler choices so that our experienced practitioners can assess each individual and customize the best treatment for each and every patient. The filler choice depends on the area treated, the patient’s skin quality, the patient’s age, and tissue coverage. In addition, the Dermal Fillers most commonly used at Face To Face Medical are reversable and can be dissolved which adds a layer of safety to the treatment. By injecting an enzyme into the skin, the filler is able to be dissolved. This can be performed if you want to reverse the results or there is an allergy or other complication.

What are the signs of ageing?

FACIAL AGEING involves all levels of the face:

  • Skin – Texture, tone, laxity, and pigmentation,
  • Volume – Facial Fat and Contours
  • Muscle – loss of muscle support leads to sagging. Conversely muscle hyperactivity in some areas can be problematic.
  • Bone – Support and foundation reduces

Skin – As we age, collagen and elastin production within the skin slows down. Collagen provides skin firmness and strength, while elastin adds flexibility and resilience. The skin loses firmness and wrinkle formation intensifies.

Volume - Fat begins to disappear from under the eyes and dark shadows cause us to look older and tired. In some cases, puffiness appears under the eyes. Nasolabial lines (lines between the nose and mouth) deepen, and jowls appear. The cheeks flatten and the temple area becomes hollow. Marionette lines appear (lines between the mouth and chin). Lips deflate and become thinner. Lines form around them. A double chin often appears.

Muscle and ligaments- When facial muscles lose tone and ligament weaken, the signs of aging become more apparent. The skin on your face and neck is attached directly to the muscles. As years go by the muscle tone gradually decreases and the entire face starts sagging. Paradoxically, in some areas of the lower face (for example), the muscle becomes hyperactive and creates dimpling or pulling.

Bone – As we age the facial skeleton bone changes shape contributing to the face shape changing from a youthful oval or V shape to a squarer shape with a heavier lower face.

What Does The Dermal Fillers Procedure Involve?

A thorough assessment and consultation followed by a treatment plan is discussed with you. Each patient has individual anatomy, goals, and facial balance so we individualize every treatment. Included in the assessment is a careful observation of your facial movements in animation and at rest, your facial shape, and your facial proportions. Photographic documentation is part of every initial assessment. The clinicians at Face To Face Medical are highly skilled and strive for the best and most natural result possible.

Dermal Fillers contain a local anaesthetic mixed in with the pre-packaged filler gel so pain or discomfort during Dermal Fillers injections is usually minimal however ice, a dental block, or topical anaesthetic cream can be applied to more sensitive areas, such as the lips, prior to the injection being administered.

A fine needle or micro-cannula (fine blunt tipped instrument) is used to inject the filler into carefully selected areas of the face, with the treatment usually taking around 30 -60 minutes.

Results are immediate. Our treatments do not affect facial expression and we avoid overfilling the face. Our aim is to rejuvenate and enhance while maintaining a natural look.

How do you choose which Dermal Fillers to use?

There are many brands of Dermal Fillers in Australia. They vary in molecular size, thickness, and strength. At Face to Face Medical, we have a range of filler choices so that our experienced practitioners can assess each individual and customize the best treatment for each and every patient. The filler choice depends on the area treated, the patient’s skin quality, the patient’s age, and tissue coverage. In addition, the Dermal Fillers most commonly used at Face To Face Medical are reversable and can be dissolved which adds a layer of safety to the treatment. By injecting an enzyme into the skin, the filler is able to be dissolved. This can be performed if you want to reverse the results or there is an allergy or other complication.

Is filler suitable for men?

Filler treatments in men have become more common over recent years. At Face To Face Medical, we are skilled at customising treatment specific to the male face and consider the subtle differences required when treating men compared to women. Dermal Fillers in men can enhance masculinity and attractiveness however treatments performed incorrectly in men run the risk of feminizing the male face.

We individually assess every face and consider all the subtleties involved. Younger men are seeking more contoured facial features, including stronger, squared-off jawlines, angled cheekbones; and bold, defined chins. Older men are seeking age preventative treatments that keep them looking youthful and masculine. All the clinicians at Face To Face Medical are highly skilled and well versed in the nuisances of treating men.

Filler for different ethnicities

It is important to consider ethnic background when assessing facial shape, proportion, and balance. For example, perceived ideal lip proportions of the upper and lower lip vary between different ethnic backgrounds. The perceived ideal lip balance of the lower to upper lip is 1:1.6 ratio (lower lip larger) in Caucasians and a more equal upper and lower lip size in Asian or African American heritage.

Each patient has individual anatomy, goals, and facial balance which we consider when customising every treatment.

Is there any downtime after the procedure?

Most patients look rejuvenated immediately after treatment and are able to return to work on the same day however it can vary depending on the area treated. You can expect slight redness, swelling, pain, tenderness, or bruising following treatment. However, the discomfort is temporary and generally disappears within a few days. With lip enhancement, it is wise to choose your treatment time with care since your lips may swell and bruise for a few days.

More information on How to camouflage bruising with makeup link

How long does treatment take?

The treatment takes 30-60 minutes. The treatment benefits can normally be seen immediately. Our treatments do not affect facial expression and we avoid overfilling the face. Our aim is to rejuvenate and enhance while maintaining a natural look.

How long will the results last?

Results of the treatment last from 6 months -2 years, depending on the individual, the area of the treatment, and how much filler is used.

How much filler do I need?

This depends on a number of factors including the area treated, the extent of the volume loss, the goal of the patient, and the facial proportions. This will be discussed at your initial assessment.

I am pregnant or breast feeding, can I be treated?

Avoid treatment if you are pregnant or breast feeding. Fillers are not tested for safety in pregnancy and therefore must be avoided.

Does it hurt?

Dermal Fillers contain a local anaesthetic mixed in with the pre-packaged filler gel so pain or discomfort during Dermal Fillers injections is usually minimal however ice, a dental local anaesthetic block, or topical anaesthetic cream can be applied to more sensitive areas, such as the lips, prior to the injection being administered.

How do I prepare for treatment?

Avoid taking Aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication, and fish oil for 1 week prior to your treatment. If you are on a blood thinner, discuss this with your doctor.

Are there any risks?

Some common injection-related reactions might occur after an injection. These reactions may include redness, swelling, pain, itching, bruising or tenderness at the injection site. These normally resolve within days of the treatment. Bruising may last 2-14 days. Inflammatory reactions may last for up to two weeks in rare cases. After a lip enhancement, your lips may be swollen for several days. Infection or allergy may occur uncommonly. There are other less common potential risks which will be discussed in your initial consultation.

Can Dermal Filler Be Dissolved?

More information on Dissolving Filler

Hyperhidrosis – Excessive Sweating

Hyperhidrosis – Excessive Sweating

How does treatment work?

Anti Wrinkle Injections are an extremely effective treatment for hyperhidrosis of the armpits (also known as Axillary Hyperhidrosis). Anti Wrinkle Injections prevent the sympathetic nerves (which normally controls sweating) from being activated and stimulating the sweat production. It is a minimally invasive procedure with fast and effective results that lasts many months or up to a year.

What areas can be treated?

The most common areas that can be treated are:

  • Armpits (known as Axillary Hyperhidrosis)
  • Palms
  • Face especially the Forehead and above the lip,
  • Groin
  • Soles of feet

What does Hyperhidrosis treatment involve?

Treatment varies according to the area treated. Treatment for armpit sweating takes about 15-20 minutes to perform. To minimise discomfort, ice or a topical anaesthetic cream can be applied however most people have minimal discomfort with ice alone. Very fine needles are used to inject the Anti Wrinkle Injections in a grid pattern in the armpit.

Treatment time and techniques for other areas vary depending on the area treated. Some areas are more sensitive such as the palms and require other forms of anaesthetic.

Areas such as the face are less sensitive and are well tolerated without any anaesthetic. The most common areas of facial sweating are Forehead and above the lips.

The cosmetic impact needs to be considered when treating facial sweating as the Anti Wrinkle Injections used are the same as those used for treating facial lines. At Face To Face Medical the clinicians are highly experienced and individualize every treatment to ensure an excellent cosmetic result when treating excessive sweating of the face.

Dr Dahlia Tauber is an educator and lecturer in the use of Anti Wrinkle Injections for hyperhidrosis and has had over 25 years’ experience in assessing and treating patients for this condition. She is the author of the widely used manual in the use of Antiwrinkle Injections which includes Hyperhidrosis. There are other treatment options for treating Hyperhidrosis depending on the area involved. These include Aluminium chloride cream, medication (anticholinergic), Iontophoresis, a Thermal energy device, and invasive surgery (endoscopic sympathectomy - destruction of the sympathetic nerves to the upper limbs).

What can I expect after treatment?

Normal activities can be resumed after treatment. Redness, swelling and bruising can occur and bruises may take up to a week to settle. An improvement to sweating can be seen within 2 weeks.

How long do the results last?

Results usually last between 6 and 12 months.

Facial Contouring, Jaw Line Thinning, Bruxism (Clenching)

Facial Contouring, Jaw Line Thinning, Bruxism (Clenching)

What Is The Masseter Muscle?

The masseter muscle is one of the more powerful muscles in the body. Wrapped around the jawbone, the masseter’s job is to open and close the jaw in speech and eating.

When this muscle enlarges, the shape of your face can change – sometimes quite dramatically. For women, this may appear masculine.

What Causes Jaw Muscle Enlargement?

Normal action on its own doesn’t usually cause this type of muscle enlargement. The more frequent causes are teeth grinding and unconscious clenching of the jaw.

Does the injection work straight away?

Injecting the masseter muscle in order to weaken the bulky muscle may take effect in 2-6 weeks.

Are there any risks with treatment?

Treatment involves accurate placement of antiwrinkle injection into the masseter muscle. If a surrounding muscle is inadvertently injected, it can result in a crooked, asymmetrical smile. This is temporary as it eventually wears off after weeks or months. For this reason, it is important to be treated by an experienced practitioner who is well versed in facial anatomy.

Dr Dahlia Tauber has over 20 years’ experience in the use of Anti Wrinkle Injections and is a clinical trainer of other practitioners. She is the author of the widely used manual in the use of Anti Wrinkle Injections. She works closely with her team of injectors who are all highly experienced.

Biostimulator Injections

Biostimulator Injections

What are Biostimulator Injections made of?

The main ingredient of Biostimulator Injections has been used for more than 30 years in surgical products, including dissolvable stitches. Unfortunately, due to Australian regulations, we are not allowed to name the product used. It’s a synthetic substance made to replicate a natural derivative created by the muscles during exercise. Since it is comprised of synthetic materials, there is no need for allergy testing prior to treatment.

How Do Biostimulator Injections Work?

The microscopic crystals induce a mild inflammatory reaction under the skin where they were injected. This "triggers" the formation of new collagen - white blood cells surrounding the microcrystals recruit collagen-producing fibroblasts. Collagen production gradually increases, making the volume-enhancing results of the treatment apparent in about four to six weeks.

What areas can be treated?

Biostimulator Injections can be injected just about anywhere where you want to increase your skin’s collagen content.

The most common areas for this treatment are the cheeks and temples, as well as the chin and jawline.

It has become common to be injected into the body too. The neck and décolletage are areas that often displays visible signs of aging earlier than the rest of the body, which is why many are now opting for Biostimulator Injections in their neck and chest.

Who is a suitable candidate for Biostimulator Injections?

Patients of all ages and gender are suitable candidates, however the older you are the more treatment sessions are generally required. The body’s ability to stimulate collagen reduces as we age.

There are a small number of people who break down Dermal Fillers faster than most, so Biostimulator Injections are a good alternative for them. Often Dermal Fillers and Biostimulator Injections are used in combination for a cumulative benefit. Biostimulator Injections cannot be used in mobile areas of the face, such as around the mouth. Dermal Fillers can be used in these areas, so the two treatment modalities are complementary.

Biostimulator Injections should not be used in people with autoimmune disorders such as Lupus, bleeding disorders, prone to keloid formation, active acne, infection, if you are breast feeding or pregnant.

What does Biostimulator treatment involve?

First you will be assessed by our medical practitioners to determine whether you are a suitable for Biostimulator Injections. Then we will determine what area should be treated and it will be marked out. Usually, it’s the outer part of the face and temples as this will result in the most effective skin tightening and “pulling back” of the face with improvement in jowls and sagging. You want smooth results to be even around your entire face and this will help your face retain its natural shape. This is partly why results look so natural.

For face treatment:

Local anaesthetic is mixed in to the Biostimulator injection to reduce discomfort. In addition, a local anaesthetic injection at the injection site will be used so that you don’t feel any pain and a cannula (a fine blunt tipped instrument) is used to administer the solution to minimize the risk of bruising.

For neck and chest treatment:

When treating the neck and chest, a needle is used, so topical anaesthetic cream is applied to the treatment areas. Local anaesthetic is also combined with the Biostimulator Injection to reduce discomfort.

At the completion of treatment, the area treated is massaged well to evenly disperse the product. This ensures a smooth result. You are then required to do the same for five minutes, five times a day for the next five days.

Is Biostimulator treatment painful?

Lignocaine, a local anaesthetic is added to the Biostimulator Injections so that most patients experience little discomfort. With face treatments local anaesthetic is also injected at the injection entry site. For face and neck a topical anaesthetic cream is used.

What to expect after treatment?

The treatment involves minimal downtime.

It is normal and expected to not notice much difference immediately after a Biostimulator treatment. The water carrier in the Biostimulator Injections may produce some filling effect, but this water is absorbed by the body within a few days, and so you may look unchanged. The true and lasting effects of Biostimulator treatment take weeks or months to become evident. Bruising can occur but this is reduced by the use of a cannula (a fine blunt tipped instrument). Neck and chest treatments are more likely to bruise but can be covered with clothing. Patients are generally able to resume their normal daily activities as soon as their treatment is complete, though some choose to wait for any swelling or bruising to fade.

Are Results Immediate?

Immediately after treatment, the area of the face that was injected will appear fuller, but this is due to the water content in the Biostimulator Injection (the microparticles are suspended in sterile water for injection). This temporary fullness will recede in a few days. The true and lasting effects of Biostimulator treatment take weeks or months to become evident. Progressive, results usually become visible within a few weeks of each treatment session. Biostimulator Injections delivers its results gradually as it stimulates new collagen production. Results may last 2 years or longer.

How many treatments are necessary?

Results vary depending on your age, the area treated, your skin condition, and the number of vials used in a treatment session. In most instances, multiple sessions, usually 2-3 sessions at 4-6 weekly intervals are required for optimal correction. In general, the rule of thumb is one vial of Biostimulator injection per decade of life. So, if you’re in your 30’s, you will most likely need 3 vials; however, there are exceptions to this rule depending upon the amount of volume loss. Individual responses vary, so the exact number of treatments sessions required cannot be predicted with complete accuracy. After the initial 2-3 treatment sessions, typically, patients will need one maintenance session a year to maintain results.

How long will Biostimulator Injection results last?

Results are very long-lasting - up to two years or more.

Can Biostimulator Injections be dissolved?

Unlike Dermal Fillers which can be dissolved, Biostimulator Injections can’t be dissolved. However, the solution is very similar to that of dissolving stitches, and it works in a similar way. After about six months, your body will naturally start to absorb the Biostimulator. By this time, your skin will have already produced new collagen.

What are the risks of Biostimulator Injections?

Injection related reactions may occur including swelling, redness, pain, itching, discolouration, bruising, and tenderness at the injection site. These typically resolve within 2-6 days.

Because it is injected in a suspension containing water, there will be initial swelling that will be noticeable for at least 2 hours and may last as long as 2 days. The effect is temporary and does not affect the long term tissue response.

Induration, or a feeling of fullness and thickness can be felt in the injection areas. Massaging the treated area for 5 minutes, 5 times a day for 5 days after the treatment can minimize this.

A possible delayed side effect is the appearance of a small lumps or bumps under the skin termed nodules. If this occurs, they can be non-visible or visible and may be felt in the areas of the treatment. Typically, these nodules may only be felt when pressing on the skin. They tend to happen within the first 6-12 months after treatment.

Sclerotherapy – Leg Vein Injections

Sclerotherapy – Leg Vein Injections

Can unsightly blood vessels be eliminated?

Sclerotherapy is a procedure used to eliminate unsightly blood vessels of the legs by the injection of a fluid into the affected veins. The fluid is injected into the blood vessel using a very fine needle. This irritates the blood vessel walls, causing them to contract. Over the next three to four weeks the blood vessel is gradually reabsorbed and either fades or disappears completely.

How successful is Sclerotherapy?

After several treatments most patients can see some improvement in treated vessels, however the fading process is gradual, and perfection seldom achieved. Most patients can expect a 70-90% improvement in treated veins.

How many times does Sclerotherapy treatment need to be done?

It varies depending on the number of areas that need to be treated, and on the patient’s response to each injection. It usually takes between one to six treatment sessions to effectively treat all the spider veins.

How soon will the blood vessels disappear?

The blood vessels will disappear over a period of six months, but improvement can occur for up to twelve months after each treatment. The treatment works for existing spider veins but does not prevent new spider veins from developing later.

Is there down time after treatment?

Most people are able to return to work immediately, although redness and inflammation of the treated areas is to be expected, and usually lasts one to two days.

Are there any side effects to Sclerotherapy?

There are risks associated with Sclerotherapy, and whilst they are minimal, they do nonetheless occur in some people.

  • 5-20% of patients develop light brown pigmentation over the area of the injected vessel. This usually disappears in over 80% of cases within six months. A few patients will have a persistent pigmentation for up to one year and very few patients will have a permanent persisting pigmentation.
  • There may be a development of groups of fine red blood vessels. A new appearance of previously unnoticed fine red veins can occur after Sclerotherapy. These new veins can occur after two to three days and may not be visible until several weeks after treatment. Usually, the condition improves in a few months without any specific treatment, but in rare cases is permanent.
  • There may be some bruising, crusting, infection or swelling of the ankles. Pigmentation of the skin, known as Phlebitis (inflammation of the vein wall) may occur but usually settles within a few weeks. In some cases, a network of tiny pink blood vessels may develop, however this can usually be treated successfully.
  • In rare cases an ulcer may develop. which then will heal with only a flat scar remaining.
  • There is a very small risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) after injection of the deep veins. It can be treated with oral blood thinners if it occurs.



How do Mono Threads work?

Skin ageing involves a loss of collagen and thinning of elastic fibres (elastin). Elastin and collagen form the ‘scaffolding’ of the face and as they diminish with age, we lose structure and elasticity in the skin resulting in facial laxity or ‘sagging’ as well as fine lines and wrinkles.

PDO Mono threads are short biodegradable filaments coated in a stimulatory material (PDO – polydioxanone). They are inserted under the skin – much like scaffolding on a building, to stimulate collagen and elastin production, firming and smoothing fine lines, wrinkles and ‘crepey’ skin on the face, neck, and body parts such as arms and abdomen.

Mono Threads are minimally invasive and are performed in our clinic by our experienced Doctors and Nurses. They can be used to treat a single area e.g., marionette lines (corners of mouth) or cheeks, or multiple areas of the face and neck in a single treatment.

Mono threads are ideal for rejuvenating the skin without adding volume or ‘bulk’ to the treatment area and complement volumizing treatments such as treatment with Dermal Fillers.

There is some immediate improvement in skin quality following treatment however as mono threads are a collagen production stimulating treatment, maximal results are gradual and can be seen over 10-12 weeks.

While they differ from thread lift procedures which pull the skin up, Mono threads can support the skin and help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines by promoting natural collagen production.

The mono threads used at Face To Face Medical are made from Polydioxanone, a durable, flexible, and absorbable polymer. The PDO Threads promote the production of collagen and leave the patients with tighter skin that can last for 6-12 months.

Initially the threads act as the support structure to the face however over time the threads are absorbed and broken down by the body. This process results in new collagen production which tightens and supports the skin. Mono threads contain a single PDO filament, are not barbed, and are often inserted in a mesh-like pattern to ensure the best tightening effects possible. While the threads help to promote the production of collagen and tighten the skin, they do not significantly lift the skin.

Areas That Can Be Treated With PDO Mono Threads

  • Upper and lower cheeks
  • Accordion lines (cheek lines)
  • Upper lip lines
  • Forehead lines
  • Brow lift
  • Neck and jawline
  • Nose to mouth lines
  • Frown Lines
  • Fine lines around mouth and eyes
  • Marionette lines (lines around the mouth)
  • Decolletage
  • Abdomen
  • Arms
  • Knees

What Happens During a PDO Treatment?

At Face To Face Medical, our clinical practitioners work closely with you and guide you through treatment choices. The treatment is individually customized as we strive to achieve your goals. Mono Thread treatments involve the application of a topical anaesthetic to reduce discomfort. Threads are carefully inserted using a micro needle.

The treatment itself usually takes between 30-60 minutes.

The Results of Matrix Mono Thread Treatments

Patients typically see results within 8-12 weeks of the treatment, and they will continue to improve in the following 2-6 months as more collagen is produced.

Results often last for between 6-12 months, but this depends on several factors and differs between patients. At Face To Face Medical, we recommend that patients return after 6 months for a follow-up treatment to maintain the tightening effects.

To arrange a consultation for a Mono Thread treatment, Melbourne residents can simply contact Face To Face Medical today.

What is the Recovery Time?

As topical anaesthetic cream is used in all mono thread treatments discomfort is usually minimal. However, the areas that have been treated may experience tenderness, swelling, or bruising for a few days after the procedure. These symptoms can range from mild to severe and last up to 2 weeks.

Skin Boosters and Skin Microfiller

Skin Boosters and Skin Microfiller

What does Skin Microfiller achieve?

  • Smoothing of fine lines
  • Improves skin elasticity, texture, and hydration
  • Enhances skin glow
  • Firmer, replenished skin
  • Improves Acne Scars

What it is indicated for?

  • Face including eyelids
  • Neck
  • Chest and Decolletage
  • Back of hands

This treatment should be viewed as more regenerative and ongoing in nature. Fibroblasts within the papillary dermis will be activated to lay down new collagen and elastin, resulting in a thicker and more elastic dermis. These results should remain for many months post treatment. The effects are subtle and natural looking.

Is this treatment painful?

Topical anaesthetic cream is applied prior to treatment to keep discomfort to a minimum. Treatment takes 30-60 minutes and is performed by our expert medical clinicians.

What to expect after treatment?

Post treatment, there may be redness and occasional bruising. Small, raised bumps may be visible at the injection sites. The bumps are similar in size and appearance to hives and diminish over several hours or days. Camouflage makeup is available at the clinic and can be used to cover these spots. We advise to avoid normal makeup and exercise for 24 hours. Once the skin settles, it appears brighter, refreshed, and plump.

How long do results last?

Results last 6-12 months.

What's my expected treatment plan?

We recommend 3 treatments 4-6 weeks apart. Maintenance is recommended every 6-12 months. Maintenance can be enhanced with good quality daily clinical skin care.

How Does Skin Microfiller Improve The Skin?

Micro droplets of specific skin filler combined with essential nutrients (amino acids, vitamin B6, and antioxidants) are placed within the skin tissues and can be injected over large treatment areas of the face, neck, décolletage, and hands to softly revitalise the beauty and radiance of your skin. This treatment targets the upper 0.5mm - 2mm of the skin with the advanced technology of an injecting gun which evenly distributes filler using 9 microneedles with precision. Treatments are fully customised by altering the depth of the needles for specific areas of treatment to achieve optimal benefits.

Due to the fine nature of this filler, unlike traditional Dermal Fillers, they will not volumize or change the shape of your face. During the treatment, the multiple injections activate fibroblast cells promoting new collagen and elastin formation. The result is revitalised, radiant, beautiful skin.

Hand Rejuvenation

Hand Rejuvenation

What Does Treatment Involve?

The pre-packaged Dermal Fillers is premixed with local anaesthetic so that the procedure has minimal discomfort.

There are a number of techniques we use for Hand Rejuvenation. Either a very fine needle is used to inject filler into the hands in a few sites. The area is then massaged to spread the filler evenly. Alternatively, a small micro-cannula (a fine blunt tipped instrument) is used in one site on the hand and the filler is evenly dispersed.

How much filler is used?

Each back of hand usually uses 1ml of filler however this can vary depending on the degree of volume loss.

How many treatments are needed?

Usually, 2 treatments 4-6 weeks apart are needed. This then results in a long-term result and may not need to be retreated for several years.

How Long Do results last?

Results tend to last over a year however often last several years.

What is the recovery from Hand Rejuvenation treatment?

Most Hand Rejuvenation techniques have minimal downtime with little to no discomfort. There is often mild redness for 1-2 days. Bruising may occur but is usually mild.

Double Chin Injections – Fat Dissolving Injections

Double Chin Injections – Fat Dissolving Injections

How do double chin injections work?

The product used for treatment is similar to a naturally occurring molecule that is produced by the body and absorbs fat called deoxycholic acid. When injected into the submental fat (double chin) it physically destroys fat cells. As the cells are destroyed, they are removed out of your body through the lymphatic system, resulting in a gradual reduction in the double chin over a 6-8 week period.

Am I suitable for fat dissolving injections?

Assessing your suitability for this procedure is critical. Our clinicians will perform a thorough assessment prior to treatment. Suitability depends on the amount of fat present and the degree of skin laxity under the chin.

A good candidate is a patient with a mild to moderate fat deposit and good skin tightness.

If there is no fat present and the double chin is due to lose skin and muscle, then you are not suitable for this procedure. Mono-Thread treatment may help skin laxity. For patients with a large amount of fat under the chin area, liposuction may be more effective.

Is this treatment permanent?

Double chin treatments may provide permanent results because the fat dissolving injections act by destroying fat cells in the area treated, resulting in the inability to store fat again. Unless you experience significant changes in your diet or lifestyle habits, excessive amounts of fat should not develop in the treatment site in the future.

Results from this treatment will appear gradually and become more noticeable with each treatment. Typically, patients see optimum results after 2-4 treatments.

What does the treatment involve?

A thorough assessment and consultation followed by a treatment plan is discussed with you. Each patient has individual anatomy, goals, and facial balance so we individualize every treatment. Photographic documentation is part of every initial assessment. The clinicians at Face To Face Medical are highly skilled and strive for the best and most natural result possible.

Local anaesthetic injections and topical anaesthetic cream are used to numb the area. The fat dissolving chemical is mixed with local anaesthetic and injected into specific areas of the area under the chin (submental area) and sometimes around the jowls using very fine needles. Important structures and nerves in the area must be avoided. The clinicians at Face To Face Medical have all been trained extensively in facial anatomy and are highly skilled.

Does it hurt?

At Face To Face Medical all of our injectors strive to make this treatment as comfortable as possible. Local anaesthetic injections are used to reduce pain during the procedure. Minimal discomfort during treatment is normal and most patients tolerate this procedure very well. After treatment is completed, and the local anaesthetic wears off, there may be a burning sensation under your chin for a few hours. Some redness and swelling can be expected post treatment.

What is the recovery from Fat dissolving injections?

After the treatment there will be some redness, swelling and bruising. Once the local anaesthetic wears off there may be a burning sensation under your chin for a few hours. Redness will usually settle within 24 hours. Swelling is maximal after 2 to 3 days and will improve significantly by 7 days however may last for a few weeks.

How many treatments will I need?

The typical patient will need 2-4 treatments for optimal results. This will of course depend on the size of your double chin and the aesthetic goals you would like to achieve. The treatments need to be performed approximately 4-6 weeks apart, so that the fat dissolving chemical has time to destroy the fat cells, and the lymphatic system has time to remove the dead cells from the body.

If you’d like to learn more about double chin injections, please contact our clinic for a consultation. Or simply book online for a Fat Dissolving Consultation (double chin reduction) appointment.

Can exercise or weight loss reduce my double chin?

Exercise is always recommended for general health and well-being, however, there may only be minimal improvement in a double chin from weight loss. Once fat cells develop in any part of the body, such as under the chin, they can’t be removed with weight loss, however they can shrink in size. Only physical removal such as fat dissolving injections or liposuction can completely remove the fat cells. This stubborn fatty layer under the chin can still be present in people who have had significant weight reduction. This is why many people seek to permanently remove this fatty layer with fat dissolving injections for a more permanent defined neck and jaw-line.

Dissolving Filler

Dissolving Filler

Dissolving Dermal Fillers

At Face To Face Medical, we prioritise safety. Therefore, we use Dermal Fillers that can be dissolved. Dermal Fillers gel consists of a sugar, which is a naturally occurring substance found in the human body that helps hydrate and add volume to the skin and underlying soft tissue. By injecting an enzyme into the skin, the Dermal Fillers can be dissolved if necessary. This can be performed if you want to reverse the results or there is an allergy or other complication.

The dissolving enzyme is a soluble protein solution that acts by breaking up the bonds that hold the Dermal Fillers molecule together and encourages the body to reabsorb those molecules in a natural process.

The dissolving enzyme solution is combined with a local anaesthetic and injected with a very fine needle into targeted areas of the Dermal Fillers. Usually, only select areas are treated. More than one session may be required. There may be temporary swelling and bruising after the procedure.

The filler may dissolve immediately however it can take days for maximum results. For this reason, it’s advisable to wait at least a week for further Dermal Fillers treatment if needed.

How to camouflage bruising with makeup

How to camouflage bruising with makeup

Bruise Camouflaging

Bruise Camouflaging

Bruising colour changes over a period of time. It normally progresses from red, blue, purple, black, green and yellow shades. For this reason, the makeup used to camouflage bruising needs to change as the bruise colour changes.

Colours directly across from another in the colour wheel cancels the other out.

Red is directly across from green on the colour wheel. The colour green will neutralize the colour red, which is why green concealer works best to cover red acne blemishes. By simply referring to the colour wheel, you’ll better understand how to cover bruising or other skin blemishes.

Apply the camouflage colour that cancels out the bruise colour and then apply your normal neutral skin foundation makeup on top.

Neutralising makeup colour needed

Neutralising makeup colour needed

Green Concealers: Green neutralises the colour red, which is why green concealers are used for getting rid of any redness on your face. Use a green based spot concealer to remove redness from a red bruise or red blemishes such as acne or acne rosacea.

Purple, Lavender, or Lilac Concealers: These are best suited for eliminating yellow bruising or any unwanted yellow undertones on your skin.

Pink or Peach Concealers: This is a mixture of red, orange, and yellow hues, which are across from the blue, purple, and green hues on the colour wheel. Used to cover purple and blue bruising. Also can be used to combat dark under eye circles.

Yellow Concealers: These are used for hiding purple or blue bruises, veins, and under eye circles. Yellow is right across from purple on the colour wheel.

Orange Concealers: Orange can be used to cover blue bruising.

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